
秋が来た ~ Autumn has come.

未だ開かぬ秋桜にバッタが留まっていて、写真を撮ろうにも、茎が風に吹かれて、なかなかシャッターを押すタイミングが難しい。 ここで中学英訳の問題1題。 I can't find any signs of autumn, but I was so surprised at the sound of the wind. Autumn has come in the air! コチラの方が詩的? Nothing meets the eye to demonstrate beyond doubt that autumn has come - yet suddenly we are struck just by the sound of the wind.
< 解答 >
秋来ぬと目にはさやかに見えねども風の音にぞおどろかれぬる(古今和歌集 秋歌上 169)

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